Procurement Consultancy – Policies & Procedures
Effective procurement requires that all staff in an organisation have access to easy-to-use policies and procedures. It is not enough to make national guidelines and regulations or European directives available, each public body is obliged to have an in-house set of policies and procedures which outline the organisation’s goals and targets for implementing and managing effective procurement.
The procurement policy should address at a minimum:
- The Senior Management commitment to procurement
- The process for monitoring and reporting on compliance
- The authority levels to be complied with in relation to decisions ensuring full separation of duties
- Encapsulate the delivery of the corporate procurement plan
- Detail the organisation’s policy on innovation, accessibility, environment and social inclusion
The procurement procedures should include the following:
- Outline the process for initiation of procurement linked to budgets and budget holders
- Lay down the internal thresholds for quotations
- Detail the procedures to be used for quotations and national and EU value tenders
- Describe the operation of each specific procedure to be employed
- Detail the rules to be applied for derogations from procurement (e.g. sole source, urgency, etc.)
- Detail the systems to be linked to internal ERP systems and external (eTenders, SIMAP, TED)
- Prescribe the approval and reporting systems to be complied with
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