Procurement Consultancy – Expenditure Analysis
We work with clients to review their expenditure profile in order to support a full procurement review or to develop their Corporate Procurement Plan. Our experience is that many organisations find it difficult to access full and accurate procurement information via their ERP systems for various reasons ranging from systems not being designed for the procurement activity to poor implementation and inaccurate recording.
We work proactively with clients using the information available to capture:
- Analysis of spend by category
- Analysis of spend by supplier
- Number of suppliers per category
- Number of purchase orders per category
- Number of purchase orders per supplier
- Typical spend on purchase orders
- Number of procurements at quotation level
- Number of procurements at national level
- Number of procurements at EU level
- Numbers of respondents to the various procurement
This analysis, when completed, gives a real picture of an organisation and the maturity of the procurement function. It enables us to work with clients to agree a plan of improvement on a phased basis over a defined period of time.
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