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Photo of the speakers from the Empowering Smarter Procurement event

Our first Empowering Smarter Procurement event was a resounding success. Thank you to everyone who attended and to our expert speakers. There was fantastic engagement and interesting debate on the day.

Some of the key areas that arose from attendees included the critical importance of market engagement and technical specifications, the role of the verification process prior to award decisions and the need for all procurement professionals to be bolder in their procurement strategy e.g choice of procedure, use of more environmental and social criteria and value ceilings on frameworks.

Empowering Smarter Procurement

- Full Day Event

Building solid foundations and smarter practice to meet current and future challenges.
The Fitzwilliam Hotel, St. Stephens Green, Dublin 2.
Thursday 26th January 2023

Join us for a conference built around you and hear from national and international experts on smarter procurement offering industry insights with case studies, pitfalls, and successes on topics such as:

• Persistent and Emerging Challenges
• Top Tips for Smarter Procurement
• Innovative Procurement; Delivering Real Results
• Green Procurement and Energy Communities

We will also facilitate discussion, networking and questions and answers sessions with an expert panel with questions submitted by you in advance through your booking form and posed on the day.

There are only 60 places so please book early to avoid disappointment.

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Programme ——————— Registration / Tea, Coffee and Pastries ———————

Introductions and Opening: Welcome by Jeanne Copeland, CEO Greenville Procurement Partners

Session One – Transformational Procurement: Delivering Real Results

9.45 am
‘Transformational Procurement: Three Examples from Ireland and Abroad’
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Abby Semple, International Sustainable Procurement Expert, Greenville Senior Consultant/Trainer

‘Green Procurement and Energy Communities’
Keynote Speaker: Vicente Lopez-Ibor Mayor, International Procurement Expert, President of the European Federation of Energy Law Associations and AMPERE Energy

Round Table Discussion followed by Q&A. Chair: Jeanne Copeland

11.30am – 11.50am ——————— Tea/Coffee Break ———————

12pm – 1pm
Session Two – Smarter Procurement: Persistent and Emerging Challenges

‘Top Tips for Smarter Procurement’
Keynote Speakers: Jeanne Copeland and Lionel McCarthy

Chair: Mr. Patrick McGovern

1pm-1.45pm ——————— Lunch ———————

2pm- 4.30pm
Session Three – Innovative Procurement: Meeting Current Challenges and Pursuing Ambitions

‘Innovative Procurement Case Studies, Successes and Pitfalls’
Keynote Speaker: Anna Marie Curran, Procurement Law Expert, Partner A&L Goodbody

‘Exploiting Opportunities in ICT Procurement’
Keynote Speaker: Brendan Murray, Strategic and ICT Procurement Expert, Greenville Senior Consultant/Trainer

‘Dealing with Supply Chain Vulnerabilities and Price Escalation’
Keynote Speaker: tbc

Round Table Discussion followed by Q&A
Chair: Liz McCarthy

4.30pm ——————— Reception ———————

Greenville Consultants will include Ms. Liz McCarthy, Mr. Harry Kettle and Ms. Treasa Brannick O’Cillín BL.

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Jeanne Copeland

CEO, Greenville
About Jeanne

Jeanne Copeland is CEO of Greenville Procurement Partners and is passionate about promoting the role of procurement in the public and utility sectors throughout the EU. Having successfully established a consulting and training business with a reputation for getting the job done, she is now focussed on growing Greenville and its range of services to support the Irish public sector meet current challenges including reduced supplier bases, growing costs, Brexit and effective contract management, all of which will doubtless have a major impact on Irish society in the years ahead.


Abby Semple

Consultant, Greenville
About Abby

Abby Semple is is an international procurement expert with a specialism in achieving environmental and social impact through public procurement contracts. Abby has managed complex and strategic tenders on behalf of many public sector clients in Ireland, the UK and continental Europe for over 15 years. She has developed policy and guidance at the EU level and is author of one of the first books on the 2014 EU Procurement Directives A Practical Guide to Public Procurement (Oxford University Press). Abby holds a PhD from University of London and LL.B (Law) from Trinity College Dublin amongst other qualifications.

Vicente Lopez Ibor Mayor

International Energy Law Expert
About Vincente

Vicente Lopez-Ibor Mayor is a senior international expert in energy law and renewable infrastructure with significant experience in procurement within this field. Vicente is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s OPM programme for Owners and Chairpersons and is currently President of the European Federation of Energy Law Associations and President of AMPERE Energy, while also holding other Board Member roles including for Planet First Partners.


Lionel McCarthy

Special EU Advisor, Greenville
About Lionel

Lionel McCarthy is a consultant and trainer with extensive experience in the regulatory arena both as a procurement manager and consultant, he is driven by a total love of the minutiae of the legislation and jurisprudence, giving Greenville clients the edge on understanding and appreciation of the subtleties of working within the EU procurement regime. Lionel is also a committed Europhile dedicated to the philosophy of European trade and the benefits to be derived through the widest possible opening up of the public market to competition.

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Patrick McGovern

Consultant, Greenville
About Patrick

Patrick McGovern formerly Partner, Arthur Cox; BA (Mod), LLB (First Class) and sometime Foundation Scholar, TCD, admitted Solicitor in Ireland and Northern Ireland. He has been involved in many of the leading cases in Ireland and the major projects in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Patrick has been ranked as one of the 10 most highly regarded individuals worldwide by the International Who’s Who of Procurement Lawyers. He is co-author of the leading Irish law textbook, “Procurement Law in Ireland”, Round Hall/ Thomson Reuters, Dublin.

Anna Marie Curran

procurement Law- Partner, A&L Goodbody
About Anna Marie

Anna Marie Curran Anna Marie Curran is a Partner in A&L Goodbody and the procurement expert for Ireland under the European Commission’s European Assistance for Innovation Procurement (EAFIP) initiative. She has been rated as one of the 10 “most highly regarded” individuals globally for public procurement. She advised Smart Dublin on a multi-supplier framework agreement (currently being rolled out nationally) for the procurement of innovative solutions to alert, monitor and report on ring buoy theft.


Brendan Murray

Consultant, Greenville
About Brendan

Brendan Murray is an experienced procurement consultant and is passionate about specifications being fit for purpose, exploiting the flexibility of procedures defined in the EU directives, maximising the use of negotiation opportunities, as well as expounding the merits of effective contract management. His unique style ensures clients implement appropriate strategies for high-risk, high value procurements relating to organisation and infrastructure development with a particular specialism in ICT procurement.

Booking Form

Submit your Questions in advance

Course Cost

Full-day session including lunch €695 inclusive of VAT (€565 plus VAT) per participant

Please tick one of the following payment options