Introduction to Public Procurement

Introduction to Public Procurement

blurred shot of workers having stand up meeting

About this course

– Beginner Course –

This course is designed for participants new to the area of public procurement. It aims to provide a foundation of the key terms, processes and activities necessary to undertake a successful procurement. It will provide a sound background of knowledge and practice to allow the participant to interact and effectively assist public procurement projects particularly at national tender levels.

Date & Duration

This course is delivered over two half days.
• next date to be confirmed.

This programme to be delivered in a mix of blended elearning using Virtual Classroom (via Zoom), breakout rooms and guided practice. Each programme consists of 2 interactive Live Virtual Classroom Sessions, individual & team activities, accompanied by supporting material. This course can also be delivered in-house and can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your public sector organisation or group.

Target Audience

This course is designed for participants who are new to the field of public procurement with no prior experience and wish to develop their knowledge and skills to enable them to operate effectively in a procurement or user department.

Learning Outcomes

On completion of this training, the participant will have acquired knowledge of the key terms and processes in addition to understanding public procurement and its application, particularly at national level. They will also develop greater confidence and the essential skills to become a valued member of the procurement team within their contracting authority.

Course Content

Session 1 – Virtual Classroom (3 hours)

  • Introduction to the fundamentals of Public Procurement
  • Summary of Key EU & National Rules
  • Defining Supplies, Services & Works
  • The use of Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) Codes
  • Thresholds for Quotes. National and OJEU Tenders (Central & Sub Central)
  • Overview of eTenders

Session 2 – Virtual Classroom (3 hours)

  • Review of a simple Open Procedure
  • Selection Criteria
  • Award Criteria (Supplies and Services)
  • The Evaluation process
  • Notification Letters
  • Concluding the Contract
  • Keeping Records


€675 per participant. All training costs are VAT exempt.
There is a 10% discount when 3 or more places are booked on this course.


What background knowledge is necessary?


What is the refund policy?

All cancellations must be received in writing or the full course fee is payable. Where delegates cancel more than 5 days prior to the course 50% of the course fee is payable. Cancellations received within 5 days will be liable for the full fee. Substitutions may be made at any time prior to the event.

Do I need to take the courses in a specific order?

This is our basic entry level course which should be completed prior to undertaking Managing a Full Tender Process, Implementing Contract Management or Understanding European Public Sector Procurement Rules.