
IP/Copyright Claim

  /  IP/Copyright Claim

Greenville Intellectual Property Rights and Limitations

This website and its contents are the copyright of Greenville Procurement Partners Limited.
© Greenville Procurement Partners Limited. All rights reserved.

Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents of Greenville’s website in any form is prohibited.

You may not, except with Greenville’s express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the contents. Nor without our permission may it be copied, transmitted or stored in any form of electronic retrieval system whatsoever.

Subject to the foregoing, Greenville acknowledges certain exceptions are provided under Irish law which may permit limited use of copyrighted material strictly subject to inter alia the use being of a limited nature, for non-commercial purposes and strictly subject to the clear and express acknowledgement of the copyright holder in writing.

Greenville reasserts their full legal rights over their content where usage exceeds the parameters of any limited exemptions provided for, and such infringements are actionable in law.

Based on the above and for the avoidance of doubt all recipients of Greenville material in any form including website content, training and consultancy material must ensure that any use is legally compliant.

Any permissions granted in relation to the reproduction of Greenville’s material over which copyright is claimed do not extend to material which may be the property of a third party. Permission to reproduce any such material where applicable should be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.

In a situation, where a recipient of Greenville material over which copyright is claimed wishes to exploit that material outside of the parameters of exemptions provided for and for commercial gain, such use requires the express agreement of Greenville and may upon agreement be subject to a licensing arrangement.

Please note that all copyright infringements are actionable by Greenville.